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Set in a landscape of incomparable beauty, Gondar is popular as tourist attraction for its Medieval Castles and churches. Gondar became the 17th century capital of Ethiopia. During its long years as a capital, the settlement emerged as one of the largest and most populous cities. It was a great commercial centre, trading with the rich lands south of the Blue Nile, as well as with Sudan to the west and the Red Sea port of Massawa to the north-east. Downtown of Gondar shows the influence of the Italian occupation of the late 1930s. The main piazza has shops, a cinema and other public buildings in Italian style distinctively of the period despite later changed and frequently neglect.

The highlight of the attractions is Gondar’s Imperial Structures (UNESCO World Heritage Site, 1978). The city’s unique imperial compound contains a number of Castles build between 1632 and 1855 by various emperors who reigned during the period. The castle’s structure is purely made of stone. The most famous buildings include Fasilides Castle, Iyasu’s Palace, Dawit’s Hall, a banqueting hall, a chancellery and library. These dramatic castles, unlike any other in Africa, display richness in architecture that reveals the Axumite traditions as well as the influence of Arabia. Besides, it is interesting to visit the bath of emperor Fasiledes, the ruined palace of Kusquam, and the church of Debre Berhan Selassie with its unique murals.

Gondar’s Imperial Structures (UNESCO World Heritage),  Debra Berhan Selassie Church The Bath of emperor Fasiledes The palace of Kusquam.