+251 918 38 0137 ethiowildlifetours@gmail.com

Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) is a country source of Blue Nile situated in horn of Africa 13th month sunshine country the earliest known home of human kind the second oldest official Christian Nation in the world after Armenia never been colonized originally called Abyssinia. Its culture and traditions date back 3 million years before that lived Lucy with diversified flora, fauna and avifauna signified by large number of species.

Ethiopia is home to some of the wildest and most interesting habitats on the planet, with a large Ethiopia’s scenic National Parks offer Wonderful trekking for the adventurous.Observe animals and wildlife on our safari tours in Ethiopia. Wildlife in Ethiopia is protected by the forest and wildlife Conservation and Development Proclamation No 192 of 1980. Wildlife in Ethiopia is exceptional from the bigger mammals to endemic bird life.

Ethiopia combines some of the world’s most spectacular scenery and a long and fascinating history, with outstanding wildlife. Many people believe Ethiopia to be the earliest home to man. Historians have proclaimed it to be the legendary kingdom of Prester John, and suggest a dynasty originating in the country from Queen Sheba, concluding with the Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974.

It is a land of mixed race and mixed religion, of countless tribes and even more languages. It is filled with donkeys, cattle, and an elegant people … plus the finest of Africa’s mountain scenery. Ethiopia has been a melting pot since Christ for ideas from the East, West and Africa.

What’s special about its wildlife?

  •  Its wildlife, particularly its avifauna, is outstanding.
  •  Over 830 birds have been recorded of which 29 are endemics.
  •  80 species of larger mammals survive of which seven are endemic.